
domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Mouth of Dee River, Aberdeen (1)

*Las entradas sobre Escocia las escribo en inglés

Aberdeen, the city where now I live, is between two rivers: River Don, in the North; and River Dee, in the South.

Although I arrived more than two weeks ago, I only could birdwatch last saturday morning, when I went to the mouth of Dee River, where I saw so many interesting bird species which are really hard to see in Catalonia.

The first one I saw, was a Redshank (Tringa totanus), a bird which I hadn't seen yet (this year I mean). Redshanks are resident birds in coastal areas, but in summer we can also find them in the countryside.

Redshank - Archibebe común - Gamba roja vulgar

Redshank - Archibebe común - Gamba roja vulgar

After that, my first great surprise arrived...a group of goosanders!! Goosanders (Mergus merganser) are almost impossible to see in Catalonia, whereas they are residents in Scotland. Curiously, they mingled among mallards (even I was a witness to a struggle between both duck species) and showed nearby. Although if you approached less than 15 meters, they swam away.

Goosander - Serreta grande - Bec de serra gros

Goosander vs mallards - Serreta grande vs azulones - Bec de serra gros vs collverds

Goosander - Serreta grande - Bec de serra gros

More unexpected birds were waiting for me while walking down the river. The next one was a a 1st winter Common Gull (Larus canus) surrounded by some Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) which are winter visitors, birds that I've never seen in Catalonia, and a Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) as well. Further on, I would realise that those were common birds in the area.

Common gull and turnstones - Gaviota cana y vuelvepiedras - Gavina cendrosa i remenarocs

Common gull - Gaviota cana - Gavina cendrosa

Turnstone - Vuelvepiedras - Remenarocs

Turnstones - Vuelvepiedras - Remenarocs

Ringed plover - Chorlitejo grande - Corriol gros

In few days we will see what other birds I saw in the river...cannot miss it!!

3 comentarios:

  1. M'ha encantat l'entrada!! Quines espècies més maques i vaja fotazas!!
    Continua així que jo seguiré l'actualitat del teu blog :D

    1. Moltes gràcies!! En breus continuaré amb la resta d'espècies del riu, ja veuràs que itneressant! xD
